What is fascia?
Fascia is a three-dimensional continuous matrix of connective tissue that weaves throughout our entire body from head to toe. You cannot move just one piece of it, and you cannot make a move without bringing it along. Imagine tugging a loose thread on a jumper – that snag causes disruption some distance across the woven piece of clothing. Fascia behaves in much the same way.
Fascia plays an important role in joint stability, coordination, strength, force distribution and proprioception.
Movement is completely dependent upon the cooperation between muscle and fascia.
When fascia is healthy it can stretch and move freely but when it is restricted this results in badly tuned movements and pain.
What causes fascia to become restricted?
- Surgery
- Trauma
- Repetitive movements
- Immobility
- Poor posture
What is Fascial Manipulation Therapy (Stecco method)?
Fascial Manipulation Therapy (Stecco method) is a worldwide evidence-based therapy for treating musculoskeletal pain.
One of our experienced practitioners will establish restrictions in the fascia that may be present through movement verification and palpation.
Once established the practitioner will manipulate the densified areas by applying pressure to specifical anatomical points of the myofascial system. This restores normal glide within tissues which reduces pain and restores movement.
Although uncomfortable, patients will likely feel an immediate reduction in pain / increase in range of motion.
What conditions respond well to Fascial Manipulation Therapy (Stecco method)?
- Lower back pain
- Pain around the hip
- Sciatica
- Thigh/Leg pain
- Knee pain
- Achilles tendinitis
- Heel pain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Pain in and around the ankle
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