Chilblains are painful red swellings that develop on the feet in response to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. They usually appear several hours after exposure and often become more pronounced when moving to a warmer environment.
Symptoms include itching, burning, and tenderness, and in severe cases, ulceration may occur if left untreated. While chilblains are most common in winter, they can appear whenever the feet are inadequately protected. People with conditions such as Raynaud’s also experience episodes affecting their hands.
Prevention is best achieved by wearing insulated footwear, using warm socks, and avoiding sudden temperature changes. If you’re prone to chilblains, applying a protective moisturiser and keeping your feet warm helps reduce flare-ups.
When dealing with persistent or severe discomfort, consult a specialist to prevent further complications. For personalised treatment and further advice, schedule an appointment with one of our Podiatrists at Gold Standard Foot & Leg Clinic.