Bunions (hallux valgus) are bony protrusions that develop on the side of the big toe. While often linked to tight or constrictive footwear, they can also form after foot trauma or as a result of underlying conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to causing pain and inflammation in the affected joint, bunions frequently make it difficult to find comfortable shoes. They may also lead to corns or calluses where the toe rubs against footwear.
Conservative treatments aim to relieve discomfort and slow progression. These can include orthotic insoles, custom-made or specialist footwear, and regular podiatry to manage any associated skin or nail problems. Some individuals also benefit from exercises or stretches that improve foot function. However, if these measures prove insufficient or the bunion causes significant pain, a surgical opinion may be advisable.
Our podiatrists can assess your symptoms and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan to maintain foot health and mobility.