There are many types as well as causes of heel pain. This pain can affect all ages from severs disease in children to plantar fasciitis which can affect anybody. Pain in or around the heel is most commonly due to plantar fasciitis (underneath the heel) or Achilles tendinitis (behind the heel). It Is important to get a professional diagnosis as there are numerous other types of heel pain. For example, Haglund’s deformity, bursitis and nerve impingement can also lead to pain in the heel region.
The sooner treatment is given following presentation of heel pain the faster interventions can reduce levels of pain. At Gold Standard we undertake a thorough examination and offer tailored treatment plans to reduce pain. We use a combination of proven techniques such as Shockwave Therapy, Fascial Manipulation Therapy (Stecco ), High Intensity Laser or Focussed Electromagnetic Therapy to reduce the pain. Where needed our team will provide insoles as well as advice regarding suitable footwear. Finally, our sports injuries therapist will offer tailored rehabilitative programmes for your long-term benefit.