The main reason that a lot of people seek treatment is for the removal of corns or calluses as they can be quite painful and can make walking quite difficult.
Callus (or callosity) is an area of hard skin which can easily be painlessly removed by the Podiatrist.
Corns are the most painful culprits of pain. They are conical shaped area of hard skin with the point of the cone deep within the tissue this may cause pain if it is pressed against a nerve. Corns can develop pretty much anywhere on the foot. Corns are often confused with verrucae.
You should be careful about using corn plasters, as they contain acids than can burn the healthy skin around the corn and this can lead to serious problems such as infection.
Corns can be easily treated by a podiatrist or foot health practitioner. As well as treating the corn the podiatrist will also aim to treat the cause and advise on footwear or provide insoles or other methods to prevent the corn returning.